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面試是讓人在第一次從你的言談舉止中去認識你的優點。為了讓小孩能有充分的時間準備升中面試,我們有見及此特別籌辦這次講座。希望透過講 和模擬面試令家長更了解子女有甚麼弱點需要改善,優點又怎樣發揮得淋漓盡致。令小孩體會到原來通過面試是令他們了解自己和英語的溝通方式,不只是為了面試 而準備,以是在將來他們也能學以致用。



Instructor ︰Miss Chan(紐西蘭奧克蘭大學學士學位,主修English Language Acquisition and Linguistics語言學)-嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院舊生




拔萃男書院,拔萃女書院,東華三院黃笏南中學,瑪利曼中學,皇仁書院,庇理羅士女子中學,聖馬可中學,香港真光中學,嘉諾撒書院,英皇書院,英華女學校,聖傑靈女子中學,喇沙書院,張祝珊英文中學,香港赤柱聖士提反書院, 聖保祿中學,聖公會鄧肇堅中學, 九龍華仁書院,港大同學會書院,聖馬可中學,嘉諾撒聖方濟各書院,培僑中學。亦有新界區學生報讀成功入讀東華三院甲寅年總理中學,荃灣官立中學等



There are 10 topics in this course to help students to understand more about themselves. 全個課程共8堂,有10個主題

1.        Introduction of myself介紹自己

2.        About your school life- describe the environment about your school.學校生活和設施

3.        About your school life- favourite and weak subject & extra curricular activities科目和課外活動

4.        Hobby嗜好

5.        Reading Habit閱讀習慣

6.        Prize winning  獎狀

7.        Strength and Weakness 強項弱項

8.        Ambition理想

9.        Picture Description 圖畫敘述

10.   Public affair- the latest affair such as Olympic Game, the Financial Crisis, and maybe bit of international news etc. 公眾事務(有關社會大眾的一切事務, 如: 社會經濟, 政治, 青少年問題, 大型活動等)
Instead of the above training and practice, there are causal speaking practices to make the course more interesting. 除了技巧的訓練,亦會提供日常對話

TV program, about internet, about friends and teacher, etc. 談談你的朋友,老師。看電視     和上網習慣

Group discussion training 小組討論

During an interview, the way you present is very important.  You need to give the interviewer the best expression from:表達方式也很重要

1.      You manner態度 - eye contact眼神, gesture姿態, politeness禮貌and facial expression.表情

2.      Fluency of the language- clear流利, pronunciations and tonality聲調

3.      Coping with unknown questions- steady穩定, emotion control情緒控制 and adequate responses 適當回應



Aim of the course

Besides, training for the interviews and help them to get in their ideal school.  From this course, it may help them to gain confidence and use the language properly.  While I was studying in the University,  I have studied about  Language-acquisition 語言獲得設備- it told us that children were born with a hard-wired language acquisition device (LAD) in their brains,

   Linguist Eric Englebert stated in 1964 that the crucial period(決定性的時期)of language acquisition ends around the age of 12 years. He claimed that if no language is learned before then, it could never be learned in a normal and fully functional sense. It means that the younger we learn a language, the easiest you can use it.  In my opinions be a bilingual or a multilingual is an advantage to communicate to people all over the world and understand the other cultures.  It is a chance to find out how interesting about learn other languages, not only from the books also from your daily and of course yourself. We are gifted to be a bilingual or multilingual just depend on how you develop.

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